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New things on the horizon

We are constantly thinking of new things to push out to our members. This post is going to highlight a few of those future endeavors. Some are in the very near future, and some are a little further off. This upcoming conference has taken up most of our time and effort, but we are striving to continue pushing quality training and resources to SRO's throughout the state.

So without further ado:

1) Regional leadership: We are looking to expand our leadership. We are planning on splitting NYS up into various regions and will be looking to bring some people on board to assist in committee direction, training, resources etc. This will be highlighted further in the upcoming conference.

2) SRO basic classes: We have been fielding questions on when the next school is. Trust me, I want to know too! We are hoping to once again have two more upcoming classes over the summer, one in the western region and one in the east. We are looking to expand our instructor base as well. Our course is NYSDCJS certified as well as MPTC certified. If you have your general topics instructor certification and feel you may be a good fit. We would love to hear from you.

3) Online + Interactive +Up To Date Juvenile flow chart: This one is awesome. We have developed an interactive flow chart navigating arrest and interview process for juveniles. It is obviously generic, however it is filled with great information and blank generic forms (fillable accusatories, probation referrals, appearance tickets, etc.) This generic flow chart will be free for our members, housed on a member's only section. It is in the final stages of approval and hopefully will be released soon!

4) School bus active shooter response training: We have begun pulling information, pre-made courses and other resources from throughout the state to put together this training for our school bus drivers. This program is in its infancy and we are looking for any of our members who may have a program already created that we can use to supplement our class.

5) De-escalation for the SRO. We have sent multiple C-PASS instructors to get trained to be force science de-escalation instructors. We are revamping our de-escalation course and putting on a free pilot class very soon. We plan on finding more members who wish to be instructors, and assist with putting on this course. We hope to be able to teach this class multiple times throughout the year all over the state, but in order to do that we are going to need more instructors! I would expect an announcement of the date of the pilot class within the next week.

6) SRO - Solo response to an active shooter event: In the spring we plan on sending C-PASS instructors to get certified to be SORD instructors. Our hope is to take these instructors and begin teaching SORD, specifically to SRO's. Most of us are single officers in a building, and from what I hear this ALERRT training is spot on for solo response. For those who aren't familiar with ALERRT's SORD, you can check it out here.

7) Better communication between members. The forum stinks, we know that. It's what we have to work with now, but we are hoping for better. We're juggling ideas between creating a Facebook group, or contracting with some sort of other social media group outlet to better reach our members. We want to keep communication open between us, but protect us as well as a group.

That's just a few of the things we have planned and there are many more in the bucket. We hope to see you all at the conference in a few short weeks.

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